রবিবার, ২২ নভেম্বর, ২০১৫

Strengthening of Livelihoods through Improved Technology

 Mr. Abu Sayed Sardar son of Mr. Nurul Sardar is a young energetic self-motivated marginal farmer of Village- Ghoshal, Union-Godaipur, Upazilla- Paikgacha of Khulna district in the South-west of Bangladesh. He has been involved in shrimp farming since 2001 in 0.53 hectare own land and followed traditional culture system. Due to poor farming knowledge he harvested very minimum yield in the previous years and profit margin was very poor, sometimes no profit or even loss also.

Mr. Sayed only depend on shrimp farming but due to poor profit margin and to loss sometimes he could not bear his household & educational expenses of the children and sometimes had to borrow money from the neighbors which was curse for him.   In this regards, he was very hopeless and could not think what to do. In this session, in the year of 2014 he decided to join with aquaculture for Income and Nutrition (AIN) Project activities of WorldFish-Bangladesh with the financial assistance of USAID.

After joining he came to know a new technology namely BMP- Better Management Practice. Now it is clear to Mr. Sayed that the unplanned traditional shrimp culture practice that ignores pond preparation techniques, stocking PCR PLs, maintain of stocking density, water quality management, feed management, other management strategies which cause disease of shrimp and failed to get expected production of shrimp.

Though Mr. Sayed not able to get used to practice improved farming systems in 2014 but from beginning of this year (2015) he has been started his farming systems followed by improved management namely BMP-Better Management Practice. Initially he was uncertain and felt anxiety of the new techniques. After 4-5 months of his culture he was getting back his confidence. When he started harvesting, his face became full of smiles and felt the happiest man in the world. From his 0.53 hectare pond he has got 364 kg shrimp,  72 Kg harina and 250 kg whitefish which total value is 2 Lac 9 thousand. This production and income is four times higher than the previous years.

This farmer, who had never made any profit, has got good profit this year which is more than his expectation. Mr. Sayed shares his experiences with his neighbor farmers and outside of his village. Now he is a happy shrimp farmer who graduated from AIN Project of WorldFish-Bangladesh funded by USAID. Specially, he has thanked to all associated with the Aquaculture for Income and Nutrition Project to assistance the knowledge of modern technology which helped him to increase the production as well as improved his livelihoods.

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