Mr. Modhusudon Mondal son of Mr.
Jogai Mondal is a self-motivated farmer of Ramnagor Village under
Dorgapur Union of Ashashuni Upazilla in the district of Satkhira which
is located in the south–West region of Bangladesh. He has been involved
in shrimp farming since 2005 in 0.27 hectare own land and followed
traditional culture system. But due to poor farming knowledge he didn`t
get good production in the previous years from his pond. But due to lack
of proper knowledge on shrimp farming maximum time he didn`t get good
production and profit margin was very poor, sometimes even loss also.
Day by day condition was getting worsened and was very hopeless. At th
time he came to know about modern technology of shrimp farming.
Environment friendly and planned farming technology is being provided by
Aquaculture for Income and Nutrition (AIN) Project of
WorldFish-Bangladesh with the financial assistance of USAID.
it is clear to Mr. Modhusudon that the unplanned traditional shrimp
culture practice that ignores pond preparation techniques, stocking
density, water quality, feeding management, other management strategies
which cause disease of shrimp especially viral disease and so many
environmental problems so that he didn’t get expected production.
the beginning of 2013 Mr. Modhusudon took part in the training on
Modified Traditional Technology (BMP) method of shrimp farming from the
activities of AIN project. Though Mr. Modhusudon not able to get used to
practice improved farming systems in the previous years perfectly but
from beginning of the year of 2014 he had been started his farming
systems followed by improved management namely Better Management
Practice (BMP). Now Mr. Modhusudon applying knowledge that he earned
from the training concerning preparing pond in a proper way, keeping
proper water condition, applying feed, lime and fertilizer on a regular
basis, maintaining the stocking density etc, following BMP method, last
year (2014) he had able to produce 180 Kg shrimp, 7 Kg harina and 120 Kg
whitefish from his 0.27 hectare pond which worth taka 98 thousand. On
the other hand, this year (2015) he has produced 265 Kg shrimp, 13 Kg harina
and 320 kg whitefish from that pond which total value taka 1 Lac 32
thousand which more production than the previous years but if the shrimp
price rate is remained same like last year he has got more profit than
last year because of better production than last year.
Now, he is
very happy for getting bumper production and as a successful farmer he
feels proud of it. He has expressed that it has been possible basically
on account of the training program organized by AIN project. He has also
been articulated that more profit is possible through BMP method of
shrimp farming.
This farmer, who had never made
any profit before but now has been getting excellent profit through
planned farming system of BMP from the previous years. As a result,
surrounding farmers have already decided that they will apply BMP
technology from next year. Mr. Modhusudon shares his experiences with
his neighbor farmers and outside of his village. Now he is very happy
and delighted & confident about shrimp culture.
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