সোমবার, ২৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১৫

Improved shrimp culture technique gear up good production, increase income and improve livelihoods


 Mr. Halim Shekh is a marginal shrimp farmer son of late Mr. Kausar Ali Shekh, an inhabitant of the village of Tokia under Godaipur union of Paikgacha Upazilla in the district of Khulna which is located in the South-West region of Bangladesh. He had been involved in shrimp farming since 2003 in his 1 hectare own land and followed traditional culture system. Due to poor farming knowledge he harvested very minimum yield in the previous years and profit margin was very poor, sometimes no profit or evens loss also.
Mr. Halim didn’t have knowledge on improve shrimp farming and he didn’t try even to learn. In the beginning of 2014, he decided to join with the activities of Aquaculture for Income and Nutrition (AIN) Project of WorldFish-Bangladesh funded by USAID. After joining he came to know a new technology namely Modified Traditional Technology (MTT) which is also affordable for the marginal farmer. Now it is clear to Mr. Halim that the unplanned traditional shrimp culture practice that ignores pond preparation techniques, stocking density, water quality, feed management, other management strategies which cause disease of shrimp especially viral disease and so many environmental problems so that he doesn’t get expected production.

Mr. Halim learnt a lot about MTT culture techniques from Greater Harvest and Economic Returns from shrimp (GHERS) Initiative during farmer group meeting (every 15 days interval). For getting good production and quality shrimp he maintains proper stocking density, water quality, timely feeding, timely checking shrimp health and other necessary management practices. Following traditional culture system he could produce maximum 250-300 kg shrimp/year in the previous years but following Modified Traditional Technology (MTT), last year (2014) he had able to produce 480 Kg shrimp, 60 Kg harina and 300 Kg whitefish from his 1 hectare same pond  which worth taka 2 Lac 93 thousand. On the other hand, this year (2015) he has produced 815 Kg shrimp, 50Kg harina and 460 kg whitefish from that pond which total value taka 3 Lac 90 thousand which is more production than the previous years.

Mr. Halim, who had never made any profit, has made huge profit this year. As a result, surrounding farmers have already decided that they will apply MTT technology from next year.  Now Mr. Halim is interested to lease more lands for shrimp culture expansion that will be created job opportunities for the unemployed youths in his village. Mr. Halim shares his experiences with his neighbor farmers and outside of his village. Now Mr. Halim is delighted and confident about shrimp culture and very happy that he is getting bumper production now and as a successful farmer he feels proud of it. ‘It has been possible basically on account of the training program of Aquaculture for Income and Nutrition (AIN) Project of WorldFish-Bangladesh funded by USAID. He said, adding more profit is possible through MTT method of shrimp farming. Finally, he has thanked to all associated with the AIN Project to assistance the knowledge of improved farming technique which helped her to increase the production as well as development of his family livelihoods.

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